How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Mike Alreend
4 min readJan 14, 2022


How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a tremendous potential to emerge as the leading sector in IT. Likewise, AI expert are highly sought-after professionals. Artificial Intelligence experts develop, maintain, and implement AI-based technologies.

Anyone with a software background and an inclination towards technology can be an AI engineer. The possibilities in this field are endless. Moreover, AI promises a lasting career with a high salary and other benefits.

As a part of this discussion, we will talk about Artificial Intelligence, the jobs and responsibilities of an AI engineer, AI certifications, and how you can pursue a career in AI.

What is an AI Engineer?

An AI engineer is a person in the IT sector who builds models and systems through Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. Additionally, they draw business insights through deep learning and neural network, ultimately helping the company to make better decisions.

AI developers are technically skilled and work in different areas, for example, data science, programming, and software engineering. However, their main job is to utilize ML and modify AI to perform tasks independently.

Responsibilities of an AI Engineer

Although the roles of AI developers and professionals vary and often overlap, they mostly use programming algorithms to carry out tasks. For instance, they work with logistic and linear regression and deploy AI models.

Further, they also complete the following responsibilities:

  • Helping different departments of a corporation by building AI models.
  • Taking problem-solving initiatives, using ML concepts and probability analysis.
  • Building data transformation infrastructures.
  • Using AI-related techniques to achieve objectives.

How to get into Artificial Intelligence?

Although it is possible to get a job in AI without a specialization degree, it is not easy. Besides Artificial Intelligence training, legitimate academic credentials make it less complicated to land a position. A bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement to be an AI engineer.

To end on a management role at a corporation, you must have a Master’s in AI, Machine Learning, or a related computer science field. Also, you can enroll for AI certification courses online on reputed websites.

However, to become an Artificial Intelligence expert, the best path is to get a degree. You will study the most advanced technologies and develop fundamental skills. Besides, it will also prepare you for industry-ready assignments and responsibilities.

To have a successful career in AI, a postgraduate degree can be helpful. You can choose from a variety of specializations. Moreover, you will gain hands-on experience in critical AI processes like Tensorflow and Python.

Skills required to be an AI Engineer

In addition to an AI certificate, professionals need a diverse skill set. For example:

Technical skills

  1. Statistics, Linear Algebra, and Probability — You should have a thorough understanding of algebra and statistics to implement Naive Bayes, Gaussian Models, and Hidden Markov Models. Likewise, these skills are also required for linear discriminant analysis.
  2. Programming Skills — These are the most crucial skills to be an AI engineer. It would be best if you have practice in Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++.
  3. Algorithms — To efficiently implement AI models, you should be well-versed with Machine Learning algorithms. Furthermore, deep learning and neural networks are essential to implement a framework. Hence, you should have a grasp of these concepts.
  4. Spark and big data technologies — To make sense of large volumes of data, AI developers need to know about big data technologies. Since they work with terabytes of data at a time, they use technologies such as Cassandra and Hadoop.

Non-technical skills

In addition to the technical skills, one should excel at soft skills in order to work in teams. AI engineers often collaborate with researchers, ML engineers, and data analysts to complete their tasks. Therefore, you should possess tremendous interpersonal skills to express your ideas.

Additionally, problem-solving skills are crucial for an AI developer as you would manage different sectors simultaneously.

Salary and Prospects

From transportation to healthcare, entertainment, and manufacturing, AI engineers are landing jobs everywhere.

On average, AI engineers earn about $114,121 per year. However, the salary may differ depending on your credentials and experience.


There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is the future of the corporate world. AI engineer is one of the best jobs in the IT sector. With relevant AI certification and training, you can apply for numerous jobs besides AI engineer. You can learn the relevant skills through Artificial Intelligence training, which ensures a generous salary.

Artificial Intelligence is a challenging but promising career path. However, you can step into this field with proper credentials and training for a prosperous career.

Please follow the Global tech Council to learn more about Artificial Intelligence and other techno-savvy news.



Mike Alreend

Result-oriented Technology expert with 10 years of experience in education, training programs.Passionate about getting the best ROI for the brand.