Python Programming Online for Beginners
Different applications, AI, machine learning, robotics, and databases all depend on coding in this digital era. Coding has become a critical language to know. At this time, we have a long list of different coding languages. Python programming is one of the most used programming languages in the present time. It is used widely in various organizations as a professional programming language. Python also fits best for machine learning, AI, and robotics. This makes Python one of the most widely used languages in the programming world.
At this time, we have many online and offline courses on python. People start their python journey with python crash courses that are readily available. But as more and more python certification courses are released every day on the online platform, it is essential to know the right path. Here we briefly discuss the right direction from the very beginning to follow. This path will guide a beginner properly to learn python programming online.
The right way to learn python programming online for beginners:
Python is used in website development, software development, automation, data visualization, AI, or ML. With this growing scope, the importance of the language is also exponentially growing. The new-age technology also chooses python as their priority. The active community of python, easy learning, and excellent usable libraries make it a job-friendly language.
As python expands its scope, it becomes essential for technical students to learn this language. For beginners, they need to follow these steps for quick learning.
1. Learn the basic syntax:
Beginners need to learn the basic syntax of python programming. This language is English, as a coding language. So understanding the basic syntax will not take much time for anyone. The structures of if-else and while loop, switch-case, and try-catch structure are essential basic syntax to learn. How to take input, show output, and write conditions also fall in this step. Many structures are the same as C or C++ languages. So if a person at least knows any other programming language like C, C++, or Java, it will take only some hours to learn the basic syntax of python. It is essential to know the basic syntax before proceeding further. Beginners can also enroll in any introductory python course to learn the basic syntax.
2. Do the joint known programming:
This second step is probably one of the most critical steps. This helps beginners to increase proficiency, clear concepts, build confidence and be python friendly. In this step, one needs to do the known and simple coding in python language. Series or triangle print, basic calculator, array, link list, and other data structures programs should run in python. The python program of a known language makes one clear about this language. And it also helps one to adopt this new coding language quickly.
3. Start learning python libraries:
Python libraries are the best tool for coding. And these essential libraries are the real reason behind their popularity and multi usability. Python has a vast collection of libraries. But Numpy, Pandas, scikit learn you are some most essential libraries to learn. Python also has topic-specific libraries. I have SciPy, visual python, and many more; for gaming, it has PyGame. So try to get friendly with these libraries.
4. For deeper with python:
Now is the time to work harder with python. It is imperative to choose a good topic to go deeper with python. As python is helpful in almost all fields. Applications, websites, the gaming industry, machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence all use python. So a person should choose their topics like games or ML, AI or any other. For gaming purposes, Codeacadeemy is a good place, and Pygame is a vital library to learn. But, for mobile applications, the critical tool is essential to understand. For data science or machine learning, scikit-learn is a crucial library to learn. And Dataquest or Harvard online classes is one of the best python certification courses. For robotics and sensors, Raspberry Pi is necessary to understand.
5. Do Projects:
Now it is essential to work on some projects. Start with some mini and easy projects, and then start doing some challenging and real-life base projects. For gaming purposes, one can start with some easy puzzle game and then start building a good game on their own. For machine learning, one can do any real-life based project. On the internet, real-life-based data sets are available for machine learning-based python projects. At this point, one will already become proficient and professional in the python programming language.
Python is an open-source language. And for beginners, Python is the best choice. Its English-like syntax helps even non-technical students to learn this language quickly. A beginner can always get help from the most active python community. And to use python, one does not need to install any application. One can start learning it using google collabo or Kaggle from their browser. With this growing popularity and usability Python also creates a significant number of jobs. So choosing the best python programming certification can also give a great career to a person. For technical students, python has become a must-have skill as hiring criteria. So it is better and wiser to learn this widely used language at this present time.