Streamline L&D Projects with Staff Augmentation Services | Infopro Learning
We find the right talent for your needs.
Our experienced recruiters identify qualified candidates within our network of 50,000+ vetted professionals. Because our talent pool has expertise in every topic, modality, and industry, we can find the right resources to augment your team, saving you time and money.
We efficiently move candidates through the pipeline.
Our qualification process finds the best match for you, every time. We move candidates through a rigorous, multi-step, yet efficient process to ensure only the best make it to the final round. Whether you want to be involved every step of the way or prefer a more hands-off approach, we’ll work with you to create a tailored approach that fits your needs.
We place only the very best candidates.
Once candidates are deployed onto your team, Infopro Learning ensures that the talent meets your needs. Through our concierge services, you can rest assured that any experts you leverage will continue to provide maximum results through the duration of the engagement.
Originally published at on April 5, 2022.