What skills required for ethical hackers to become successful in the IT Industry?
Technology and digitization have been a boon for the industry, and we have seen some great development in this domain. But as we know, this boon has come with some bane as well, and the biggest of these is hacking and data breach issues that are on a high rise. We have seen a number of cases where the network security has been compromised, leading to the loss of millions and millions and loss of data. To combat this, we have another branch that caters to a network security threat, and that is called ethical hacking. The latter has gained importance in recent years, and we have seen a rise in the number of ethical hacking experts in the company.
The basic work of ethical hackers is to look into the bottlenecks and test the system’s vulnerabilities. Based on it, they tell whether the system is good to run safely and keep the data secure, and in case there is a discrepancy, ethical hackers work in it and find the necessary solution. Well, much of this task is vested in the hands of a professional network security engineer. Ethical hacking is a future technology, and there is going to be a great demand for such professionals in the times to come.
Skills to become a successful ethical hacker:
If you are eyeing at becoming a successful ethical hacker, then you have to master certain skills. Some of which we are going to discuss here:
1. Computer Networking Skills- The first aspect that you need to master is computer networking skill. Ine has to know about how multiple devices are connected and how a network works. Knowledge about Subnetting, Suoernetting, DHCP. This will help you learn about the various interconnected devices in the network and potential threats to the same. You will also learn how to handle these network issues.
2. Programming language knowledge- In addition to knowledge about a computer network, you also need to establish yourself as an expert in a programming language. This will help you with coding and creating an algorithm that will help in securing the system. Some of the programming languages that you need to learn are:
3. Computer hardware knowledge- In addition to gaining other skills and computer networking skills, one also has to stick around computer hardware to know how the system works. Computer hardware knowledge includes knowledge about the CPU, mouse, keyboard, monitor. Once you get acquainted with all this, you also need to learn about the various software that powers this hardware.
4. Database skills- DBMS is the base for creating all the databases. If the hacker gets access to this database, then the confidential company’s information and personal data can be easily compromised. Thus it can put the company under a lot of threat. Hence, the ethical hacker needs to work on it and create a hack-free system.
These were some of the skills that one needs to acquire to become an expert in ethical hacking. If you want to become an ethical hacker and see your future in this technology, then this is the right time to enrol for an ethical hacking certification program by the Global tech Council.